Indika Weijerathne


Born in 1978 in Matale Sri Lanka, Indika began studying Dramatic Arts in Colombo. Inspired by his studies he then proceeded to a University program in Visual and Performing Arts.

Throughout his career, he participated in various exhibitions and festivals such as the exhibition "Nawa Kalakarowo" visual arts, an exhibition of paintings and sculptures at Thilanka Hotel, the exhibition "Constellation" an exhibition of contemporary art in Sri Lanka, and has received the Award of Merit at the creative art painting state and sculpture festival in Sri Lanka.

Indika Wijerathne began its journey in acting around 2001. During this time he was nominated for best actor and best supporting actor for "Siridasage Kathawa" festival of short fiction "Wdikawen Mahapolowata" at the University Sri Jayawardhanapura. In 2002, he won the Merit Award for a play on the "Wassa Thuranwenakam" festival "Vishwa Bhomika" at the Institute of Aesthetic Studies at the University of "Kalaniya." In 2005, he received the best Actor for the "Siriyawathi Marila" festival of short fiction "Wedikawen Mahapolowata" at the University of Sri Jayawardana Pura.